The Buzz : Everything You Need To Know Today Oct 30th

Merge 104.8  |  30 October 2022

Michael Jackson’s album Thriller is being reissued in an expanded edition in celebration of its 40th anniversary in three weeks. It will feature the original album as well as a second CD of “never-released tracks. This will be the fourth time Thriller has been released as it reissued previously with bonus tracks in 2001 and 2008.


Apple has confirmed that the iPhone will finally switch to a USB-C port. The company is quoted as saying they will replace the Lighting port even if the team is not happy with the change. The switch is to comply with laws in the EU which say all mobile phones and tablets have to have a USB-C port by autumn 2024.


It has been revealed that Adele will be taking a break from music after her Las Vegas residency as she plans on getting a degree in English Literature. It’s not clear how long she will be taking a break for, but is quoted as saying she will complete the course online in order to get the degree.

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