The Buzz : Everything You Need To Know Today May 6th

Merge 104.8  |  06 May 2021

Movie director James Gunn has confirmed that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 will be his final film in the series and revealed that there will be at least one major character death in the movie. The script for the film is already complete, but details of the plot have been tightly under wraps so far, and filming has yet to begin.


YouTube could soon make it easier for users to browse through videos by automatically translating video titles, descriptions, and captions in their native language. It’s a feature that is is powered by Google’s own Translate. A few users have reportedly spotted the feature, but offering translations to only Portuguese and Turkish so far.


Will Smith has shown off his new look and admitted that he’s in the worst shape of his life thanks to lockdown. He shared a picture on Instagram and hinted that he may not have been working out as hard as he used to. It’s not clear if he just decided to cut back on the workouts or if his new look was for a movie role.

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