The Buzz : Everything You Need To Know Today Jul 25th

Merge 104.8  |  25 July 2021

Netflix has confirmed they are taking a deeper dive into video games as subscriber growth slows down following growing competition. They are planning to expand its video games, which would be available to subscribers at no extra charge focusing primarily on mobile games. They have also promised an impressive line-up including new seasons of The Witcher and Money Heist.


The custody case of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie has been shaken up by a new verdict that disqualified the previous judge in their case. Brad has lost out on the joint custody he was awarded by the previous Judge, who was removed from the case by a three-judge panel, over violations of “his ethical obligations.” Brad believes there is overwhelming evidence that the current situation isn’t good for the kids.


Movie director James Gunn has reveals why his movies always have a scene following the credits. The reason might be obvious – it’s to keep moviegoers around for the credits. In a comment online he said that he will always have scenes after the credits to ensure that people have more of a reason to stay around right to the very end. He added that so much hard work is put into making a movie, so audiences should sit through the credits and read the names of those who put in such an effort to make the film possible

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