The Buzz : Everything You Need To Know Today Feb 21st

Merge 104.8  |  21 February 2023

There’s new music from Coldplay soon as they have teased that their upcoming new album is nearly finished. Chris Martin has said the album is called Moon Music, and is a follow up to the 2021 album Music Of The Spheres. Last year Coldplay revealed they are going to stop recording music after 2025 so they’re wasting no time recording new material.


Social media companies are always looking at ways to generate even more revenue and users of Facebook and Instagram will soon need to pay to be verified, as they follow in the footsteps of Twitter. Mark Zuckerberg announced on Sunday that the service would first be rolled out in Australia and New Zealand later this week. Once verified users get a blue badge on their account.


Japan has discovered 7,000 new unknown islands following a new survey. According to the New York Post, the number of official islands in Japan is expected to double from 6,852 to 14,125 after the government conducted the first survey since 1987. It isn’t expected to increase the country’s territory but will give officials a more accurate picture of its terrain.