The Buzz : Everything You Need To Know Today

Merge 104.8  |  15 April 2020

Sesame Street is broadcasting a special episode to help children in coronavirus lockdown “feel connected in this time of uncertainty”. The 30 minute show will help children “find new ways to play and learn together” and will be a video conference. The characters will “sing songs, play games, and take silly dance breaks”.


Angelina Jolie says people should ‘check in’ and ‘love each other’ during the coronavirus pandemic. She added that it’s important for people to reach out in times like these in which the behind-the-scenes details of someone’s life aren’t as easy to spot. In recent weeks, she has donated $1 million to an organization that feeds the children of low-income families.


Ed Sheeran is also donating. He has reportedly donated over $2 million to local charities where he lives during the pandemic. According to a source, the money has been divided between a string of good causes, including hospital wards which are currently dealing with the virus.