The Buzz : Everything You Need To Know Today

Merge 104.8  |  16 August 2020

If you have more money than sense you might be interested in the one-of-its-kind $1.5 million coronavirus mask. It’s made out of 18 carat gold and studded with 3,600 black and white diamonds. It’s also fitted with an N99 filter to offer a high level of protection.


Qantas Airways is now selling its in-flight snacks and freebies to people at home. As a large number of flights are on hold around the world, the airline has thousands of premium-class pjamas, moisturizers and snacks going to waste so they’ve decided to sell them online. For $25 you can buy a pack that includes 12 chocolate biscuits, a sleeper suit, and some smoked almonds that only first-class passengers get given.


Microsoft is launching its Xbox xCloud games streaming service, which allows gamers to play console quality games on their smartphones. If you have the Xbox Game Pass app and an Ultimate subscription can now download the xCloud app from the Google Play Store for Android phones. The subscription isn’t cheap though – $15 for access to 100 games.