COVID-19 Oman: MECA urges people not to throw away used face-masks in public places

Merge 104.8  |  31 May 2020

The Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs (MECA) has called upon people in Oman to ensure the correct and safe disposal of used face-masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE) worn in public.

In a statement issued online today [Sunday, May 31], MECA said that the disposal of such PPE items on beaches and roadsides can pose an environmental and health hazard and should be disposed of properly “in order to preserve the health of our society and to adhere to the guidelines of the Basel Convention on environmentally-sound waste management.”

The MECA has also encouraged the public, in its statement, to consider the use of reusable masks, which are available in the Oman market. The Ministry has said that such masks can be cleaned and disinfected daily according to their instructions, in order to retain their efficiency.

(Also read: COVID-19 Oman: ROP issues statement clarifying conditions for face-masks.)